Meetings and Log

Meetings & Logbook: (produced by james esdaile)


Held by
Attended by
Michael. James.
We analysed the 'Apex' trailer individually, in order to give us a better understanding of what we could possibly base our short film on. doing separate versions of this meant that we all came up with different ideas and different views on the trailer, and all had a say in what we thought was good/bad about it.
3 ideas of short film.
Rough final idea
James. Rayan.
Finished 2 outlines of short films.
Michael. Rayan.
Devised group roles between each person and began certain areas: Script and narrative structure.
Carried on with separate roles and finished off script, narrative structure and character development.
James. Rayan.
Starting storyboard, costumes and props list.
Almost finished both parts, will finish in the first 30 minutes of next lesson. Added detail to other areas of work as these new sheets have given us stronger ideas.
In this lesson I finished the costume plan and will do a second storyboard next lesson to ensure we have a better understanding of the storyline. Some changes may be made to costume list if any of the characters change due to the new storyboard and new ideas of the evolution of characters.

James. Michael.
Uploading everything I have produced onto Blogger (Pre-production) then planning first section of filming ready for when everyone is in lesson, to begin filming. (14/03/2017)
 I (Rayan) was working on the rehearsals document whilst watching a few YouTube videos on camera equipment; this allowed me to refresh my memory from secondary school recording. James worked on the equipment list whilst Michael introduced the concept behind our film production. We were very productive which led to lots of work being done. 
 James. Michael
 James added to equipment list, in order to get a meeting with Neal to collect the equipment. we can then start filming next week.
 James, Rayan
 I began writing / drawing the second storyboard whilst James researched information for our recording session and continued the equipment list document.
 James, Rayan
 I finished the risk assessment form for the college, including different areas that we will be using, in order to keep a safe environment whilst we are filming. Ryan did some research on editing films. We will start filming next week, and should be done within 2, hour sessions, ready to start filming in the coming week. Uploaded all of my work onto the blog to ensure it is in the correct order and easy to access. I also created a planning page, holding our original ideas for the short film.
 I updated my part of the blog to make sure everything was in the correct place, that I had done. I had planned to start filming today, although nobody else turned up to the lesson, meaning that we were not able to film today. I may have to film by myself, later on today in order to get enough clips for the short film.
 I believe me and James have finished all of the work besides recording, which should not be to difficult to complete. Shortly I will upload the latest storyboard for my team to review.

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